MOFFETT SPU上的固件分为板载固件和动态加载的固件两个部分,其中板载固件又分为板载设备固件和板载MCU固件。
mx-mft是用于管理MOFFETT SPU 设备固件工具,管理员可使用mx-mft查询设备固件版本,给设备加载动态固件,重启设备,更新板载设备固件和MCU固件。
mx-mft status <device id>
mx-mft boot <device id> <firmware package>
mx-mft update <device id> <firmware package>
mx-mft reboot <device id>
mx-mft mcu-ota <device id> [<fw_file_path>]
<device id> 参数可以类似是0或者0-2(表示0,1,2这3个设备),或者是all(表示所有的设备)。
<firmware package> 参数指的是moffett发布的固件包压缩文件,其命名类似为moffett-antoum-V3.31.13-20231127.tar.gz。
1. mx-mft status <device id>
mx-mft status
Device 0 info:
SN: 2023513080278
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:51:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V14
type: Release
build date: Dec 18 2023
active slot: B
其中Mode: Bootloader表示卡处于bootloader模式
Device 0 info:
SN: 2023513080278
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:51:00.0
Mode: Kernel UMD
Firmware version: V1.0.14
其中Mode: Kernel UMD表示卡已经加载完成固件
2. mx-mft boot <device id> <firmware package>
mx-mft boot命令用于对卡设备加载动态固件
mx-mft boot 0-0 moffett-antoum-V3.31.13-20231127.tar.gz
Extracting boot image...
package boot image version info:
version: V3.31
build time: Nov 27 2023 15:42:06
boot image check OK, image size: 65.21MB
Device 0 info:
SN: 9002348s21
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:04:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V13
type: Release
build date: Nov 27 2023
active slot: B
start loading boot image for device 0-0:
device 0 (00S30-00A - 9002348s21): Boot image load success
total 1 device loading boot image, all success
3. mx-mft reboot <device id>
mx-mft reboot命令用于重启设备,使设备进入bootloader状态
request device 0(pci bus:0:04:00.0) reboot success
wait devices rebooting...
remove devices from pci bus...
rescan all devices...
device 0 reboot success
注意: 需要使用root权限才能重启卡设备
4. mx-mft update <device id> <firmware package>
mx-mft update命令用于更新板载的设备固件
需要卡处于bootloader模式时才能更新卡的固件,如果卡已经加载动态固件,请使用mx-mft reboot 命令使卡重新启动到bootloader模式
固件升级可以不加 -f 参数,固件降级和平级更新则需要增加 -f 参数
sudo mx-mft update 0-0 moffett-antoum-V3.31.13-20231127.tar.gz -f
e.g. 固件升级
# 查询当前Firmware version
mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
# 重启设备,使设备进入bootloader状态
sudo mx-mft reboot all
# 更新板载的设备固件升级到v15版本
sudo mx-mft update all /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/moffett-antoum-V3.40.15-20240106.tar.gz
# 重启加载驱动服务
sudo systemctl restart mx-daemon
# 等待2-3分钟,查询更新结果
mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
## 参考结果:操作前后
$ mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
Firmware version: 1.0.14
Firmware version: 1.0.14
$ sudo mx-mft update all /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/moffett-antoum-V3.40.15-20240106.tar.gz
Package bootloader version info:
version: V15
type: V14 OTA TEST
build time: Jan 6 2024 11:24:35
Device 0 info:
SN: 2023513080278
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:51:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V14
type: Release
build date: Dec 28 2023
active slot: A
Device 23 info:
SN: 2023483080243
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:e6:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V14
type: Release
build date: Dec 28 2023
active slot: B
Start updating bootloader for device 0-23:
device 0 (00S30-00A - 2023513080278): bootloader update success, version is V0.15 now
device 23 (00S30-00A - 2023483080243): bootloader update success, version is V0.15 now
Total 24 device update bootloader, all success
$ mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
Firmware version: 1.0.15
Firmware version: 1.0.15
e.g. 固件降级
# 查询当前Firmware version
mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
# 重启设备,使设备进入bootloader状态
sudo mx-mft reboot all
# 更新板载的设备固件降级到v13版本
sudo mx-mft update all /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/moffett-antoum-V3.40.13-20240106.tar.gz -f
# 重启加载驱动服务
sudo systemctl restart mx-daemon
# 等待2-3分钟,查询更新结果
mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
## 参考结果:操作前后
$ mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
Firmware version: 1.0.15
Firmware version: 1.0.15
$ sudo mx-mft update all /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/moffett-antoum-V3.40.13-20240106.tar.gz -f
Package bootloader version info:
version: V13
type: V14 OTA TEST
build time: Jan 6 2024 11:14:51
Device 0 info:
SN: 2023513080278
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:51:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V15
type: Release
build date: Jan 6 2024
active slot: A
Device 23 info:
SN: 2023483080243
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:e6:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V15
type: Release
build date: Jan 6 2024
active slot: B
Start updating bootloader for device 0-23:
device 0 (00S30-00A - 2023513080278): bootloader update success(without reboot), version is V13 now
device 23 (00S30-00A - 2023483080243): bootloader update success(without reboot), version is V13 now
Total 24 device update bootloader, all success
Important: Please power off this server to use device new firmware
$ mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
Firmware version: 1.0.13
Firmware version: 1.0.13
e.g. 固件平级
# 查询当前Firmware version
mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
# 重启设备,使设备进入bootloader状态
sudo mx-mft reboot all
# 更新板载的设备固件降级到v13版本
sudo mx-mft update all /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/moffett-antoum-V3.40.13-20240106.tar.gz -f
# 重启加载驱动服务
sudo systemctl restart mx-daemon
# 等待2-3分钟,查询更新结果
mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
## 参考结果:操作前后
$ mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
Firmware version: 1.0.13
Firmware version: 1.0.13
$ sudo mx-mft update all /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/moffett-antoum-V3.40.13-20240106.tar.gz -f
Package bootloader version info:
version: V13
type: V14 OTA TEST
build time: Jan 6 2024 11:14:51
Device 0 info:
SN: 2023513080278
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:51:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V13
type: Release
build date: Jan 6 2024
active slot: A
Device 23 info:
SN: 2023483080243
PN: 00S30-00A
PCI bus: 0000:e6:00.0
Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader version info:
version: V13
type: Release
build date: Jan 6 2024
active slot: B
Start updating bootloader for device 0-23:
device 0 (00S30-00A - 2023513080278): bootloader update success(without reboot), version is V13 now
device 23 (00S30-00A - 2023483080243): bootloader update success(without reboot), version is V13 now
Total 24 device update bootloader, all success
Important: Please power off this server to use device new firmware
$ mx-qual list | grep "Firmware version"
Firmware version: 1.0.13
Firmware version: 1.0.13
5. mx-mft mcu-ota <device id> <mcu firmware package>
mx-mft mcu-ota命令用于更新板载的MCU固件
需要确认S30的MCU version是否为V4X05或以上版本,其他版本和S4计算卡不支持此功能
需要卡已经加载动态固件后才能更新mcu的固件,如果卡未加载动态固件,请使用mx-mft boot 命令加载卡的固件
mx-mft mcu-ota 0-2 DMS-BC404X0004.bin
# 查询设备0 1 2的mcu版本
$ mx-smi select -f mcu_version -i 0 1 2
# 对设备0 1 2的mcu版本降级为 4X04
$ mx-mft mcu-ota 0-2 /usr/local/sola/driver/firmware/ota-test/DMS-BC404X0004.bin
device 0 mcu ota updating...
device 0 mcu ota success!
device 1 mcu ota updating...
deivce 1 mcu ota success!
device 2 mcu ota updating...
deivce 2 mcu ota success!
# 查询设备0 1 2的mcu版本,前后对比可知,mcu版本从4X05降为4X04
$ mx-smi select -f mcu_version -i 0 1 2
# 对设备0 1 2的mcu版本升级为 4X05,默认不带DMS-xxx.bin参数,则使用当前环境自带的最新版本
$ mx-mft mcu-ota 0-2
device 0 mcu ota updating...
device 0 mcu ota success!
device 1 mcu ota updating...
deivce 1 mcu ota success!
device 2 mcu ota updating...
deivce 2 mcu ota success!
# 查询设备0 1 2的mcu版本,前后对比可知,mcu版本从4X04升为4X05
$ mx-smi select -f mcu_version -i 0 1 2